Hello again everyone, it's been a while. I apologize about the lack of posts recently, it's been a while since I last posted. As everyone most likely knows, Diablo 3 came out on the 15th of May, and just like ever other PC gamer I decided to pick it up.
Having never played a Diablo before other than a quick blast on Diablo 2, I had no idea what to expect. I have to say I am really impressed by what I have found. While there are quite a few problems with the game right now, such as itemization been the key one for me, and a few issues with some abilities the core game play is fantastic.
I plan on returning to blogging, and will return to posting daily however this time I will be focusing on Diablo 3 mainly and will be doing a lot of theory crafting. It's been some time since I played any sort of RPG but one of the things I have missed was the theory crafting. Yeah it sounds a bit nerdy, but I actually love doing maths. Crunching numbers and formulas to try and find that perfect DPS sweet spot, or the correct way to stack my defensive stats.
I am currently playing mainly as a Monk (level 52), so my first theory work will most likely be based on this once I hit Inferno. I am also leveling one of each of the other 4 classes, and have them all around level 20ish except for the Wizard. Once I start progressing through Inferno, expect to see videos as well as theories. It's all good an well to slap some figures in front of someone, but it's also nice to see the idea in action.
It's only a short post today, but I plan on doing more in depth ones very shortly, and at some point over the next couple of days I should have one out discussing dodge and it's unmentioned diminishing returns.